Good quotations, photos, videos and favorite tunes may help us better tell our story and enhance our presentations, programs and communications and marketing materials. But copyright law protects the owner/creator of such creative materials from unauthorized use to reproduce, distribute, modify, perform and prepare derivative versions of the work. This applies to literary works, musical or sound recordings, and pictorial or graphical designs, as well as online computer software, music, movies and written works.

Bottom line: never assume it’s OK to use someone else’s work without checking what the permissions, requirements and limits are.

These resources will help you understand best practices and legal requirements.

Information on copyright ownership of works created by University of Missouri employees: Section 100.030 of the University's Collected Rules and Regulations. Works owned by the University should have a copyright notice that reads: © (year) by The Curators of the University of Missouri, a public corporation.

Photo/video usage policy

Right of privacy laws give an individual the right to control the use of his or her image by others. University of Missouri policy requires that written permission be obtained to use an individual's image in all publications, including web documents and videos. If the subject is a minor, then a parent or legal guardian must sign the photo release.

Learn about the photo/video permission policy and download the MU photo release form here: Photo and video release page.